NEW ORLEANS – There’s only one place in southeast Louisiana girls can go for a week of singing, horseback riding, canoeing, stargazing, socializing, archery and arts and crafts – and that’s Girl Scout Resident Camp! Girl Scouts Louisiana East (GSLE) welcomes all girls (grades 1-12) for an all-inclusive week of summer fun at Camp Marydale in St. Francisville. Camp sessions run from Sunday, June 6, to Friday, July 23.
This year’s camp theme is “Back-to-Basics.” Girls will complete the steps to earn the Camper badge at their program level including learning important camp skills like campfire building, cooking over a campfire, and knot tying. When girls are not practicing the basics of camp, they will spend time paddling around the lake, cooling down with arts and crafts, and riding horses with new friends.
Camp Safety
“Girls and parents will notice a few changes to camp this year to minimize the spread of COVID-19,” says Lauren Vance, Property Manager. “This year, we are limiting the number of girls we are allowing at camp and we have introduced special measures and guidelines to ensure camp is a safe and enjoyable experience for all campers and their families.”
In addition to limiting the number of girls allowed at camp, the following guidelines will be in place:
- Camp will be cleaned and disinfected daily, and high touch areas will be disinfected more frequently.
- Campers will undergo a health screening when arriving at camp and will receive daily health check-ins.
- Multiple handwashing and disinfecting stations will be placed around camp for convenience.
- Meals will take place distanced and in open air areas.
- Girls will have personalized supplies for all activities and operate within cohorts according to their age groups, maintaining minimal contact with other groups.
In addition to these guidelines, all camp staff will have the COVID-19 vaccine.
“We are confident we can provide a quality and safe resident camp experience for our girls this summer, without compromising any of the discovery, exploration, and leadership development that is characteristic of Girl Scout Summer Camp” says Rebecca Pennington, GSLE CEO.
The cost is $395 per week and includes breakfast, lunch and dinner. Financial aid is available. All girls, including non-Girl Scouts, are welcome, but must register as a Girl Scout at checkout.
Don’t miss this opportunity to make it her best summer ever. Register today!