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Complete Streets Working Group to Convene on Wednesday, May 19th

NEW ORLEANS — The Complete Streets Working Group, established by the Complete Streets Policy, is tasked with advising the Department of Public Works (DPW) to ensure the Policy is applied in the planning, design, construction, operations, and maintenance of all DPW projects. The Working Group will convene on Wednesday, May 19.

The Complete Street Working Group’s efforts will provide vital input from stakeholders in City government and the community at large as the City continues to invest in our infrastructure in a way that improves transportation options for all residents, regardless of their mode of travel.

“Investing in our roadway infrastructure is more than just repairing potholes, it’s about people arriving at their destinations safely, connecting residents to economic opportunities, and ensuring all neighborhoods have affordable and accessible transportation options,” said Josh Hartley, Acting Director, Department of Public Works. “The Working Group members will be valuable partners as DPW continues to construct roadway projects that meet the needs of everyone.”

The Working Group will be chaired by the Mayor’s Office of Transportation on a quarterly basis. Members of the working group include City agencies, local non-profits and stakeholders. The formation of the working group is another major step towards making our streets more equitable, efficient, connected, and safer.

“The Complete Streets Working Group convening will provide an opportunity for departments and community groups to help shape our future program,” said Laura Bryan, Director, Mayor’s Office of Transportation.

Organizations represented by the working group include the Capital Projects Administration, City Planning Commission, Office of Economic Development, New Orleans Health Department, Office of Human Rights and Equity, Mayor’s Advisory Council for Persons with Disabilities, Office of Neighborhood Engagement, Department of Parks and Parkways, New Orleans Police Department, Department of Public Works, Regional Transit Authority, RoadWorkNOLA, Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans, Office of Youth and Families, AARP Louisiana, Complete Streets Coalition, Lighthouse Louisiana, and the University of New Orleans Transportation Institute.

The May 19, 2021, meeting agenda, public comment submission, and meeting login/call-in information is available at


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