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Youth Master Plan Partners to Host Virtual Meeting, Release Recommendations and Community Call to Action

NEW ORLEANS — The Office of Youth and Families, in partnership with the Children and Youth Planning Board and New Orleans Youth Alliance, will be hosting a virtual launch meeting on July 27, 2021 to release the final recommendations for the Citywide Youth Master Plan.

“The launch of the Youth Master Plan is a moment to recognize our community’s commitment to our children and our families. This plan is critical to our city’s road to recovery as we navigate the impacts of COVID-19,” said Mayor LaToya Cantrell. “Our work over the next five years on these goals will pay dividends for the next fifty. We do not have time to waste, and I am devoted to carrying out the vision articulated by our young people in this plan. Listening to the needs and the voices of our children is going to move us towards a better tomorrow.”

“When Mayor Cantrell took office in 2018, she heard loud and clear from the community that there was a need for a clear vision, roadmap and coordination between youth-serving agencies in order to improve child outcomes,” said Emily Wolff, Mayor’s Office of Youth and Families Director. “This plan represents countless hours of hard work and collaboration between City agencies, non-profit organizations, young people, parents and families. We are excited to embark on this next phase and move the needle for children, citywide.”

The Youth Master Plan is a comprehensive, ten-year roadmap to improve child well-being in New Orleans. The planning process brought together thousands of young people, parents, educators, community leaders, and other key stakeholders to set the stage for all children and youth to achieve their full potential.

The Youth Master Plan contains a total of 27 solutions to improve child well-being across multiple sectors including health, education, youth voice, and economic stability. Many of the recommendations outlined in the plan align with Mayor Cantrell’s efforts to improve child well-being such as providing free transit for youth; increasing investments in early childhood education and afterschool programming; and doubling down on technical training in new, growing industries such as technology and manufacturing.

Mayor Cantrell recently signed an executive order that memorializes the City’s support of the plan and calls upon City agencies and departments to participate in the plan’s implementation.


“We are thrilled to reach the culmination of this year-long, community process. We are at a time when innovation and vision are necessary to drive our community forward through this pandemic to ensure our children and young people are able to secure the future they deserve,” said Rashida Govan, Executive Director New Orleans Youth Alliance. “This plan outlines the vision our children, youth, families and community have for New Orleans to make it a safe and child-centered city in which our young people can thrive. We are looking forward to its implementation and to the community, philanthropic and key systems players’ investment in seeing it to fruition.”

“New Orleans is making the bold move of launching its first Youth Master Plan and in so doing, we demonstrate our commitment to seeing our city’s youth through a new lens that lifts up strengths, assets and value for the children and youth in our city,” said Karen Evans, Executive Director Children and Youth Planning Board. “The new lens and narrative see youth as a part of the solution, worthy of investments, partners in the work forward for better outcomes, and sets up space for adults to share power with young people as we work together to address the need for systems change. The New Orleans Youth Master Plan is our tool to coordinate our collective actions that move change forward and get the outcomes our children and youth need to succeed now and tomorrow.”

“Our mission doesn’t just involve City officials. It involves every New Orleanian, as it truly takes a village to mesh the pieces needed for the adoption of the Youth Master Plan,” said Tyler Finley, Youth Advisory Board of CYPB. “Whether you volunteer in one of our sectors or share the Plan with a neighbor, your help is needed.”

The virtual event will take place on July 27, 2021, from 4 p.m.- 6 p.m. Interested attendees can register via Zoom at


Youth Master Plan

New Orleans Youth Alliance

New Orleans Children & Youth Planning Board


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