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City of New Orleans Offering Utility Assistance to Eligible Renters at Risk of Services Being Disconnected

NEW ORLEANS — The Mayor’s Office of Housing Policy and Community Development today announced they will provide utility assistance to renters that are at risk of electric or water disconnection.

Low to moderate income-earning tenants who reside in Orleans Parish and were impacted by COVID-19 may be eligible for assistance. Tenants should apply online at for emergency rental and utility assistance.

The City encourages tenants in imminent threat of disconnection to bring their most recent bill or notice to the Office of Housing Policy and Community Development located at 1340 Poydras St., on the 10th floor, between the hours 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Utility assistance will be fast-tracked for renters that have received disconnect notices. The City must be provided with the utility account numbers to make payments on any account. Payments will be made directly to the utility providers.

The City will continue to work closely with Entergy New Orleans and the Sewerage and Water Board to prevent disconnections. Payments are currently being arranged for approximately 4,500 households. The City will continue providing utility assistance while funding remains available.


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