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City of New Orleans Encourages Participation in Upcoming Infrastructure Community Meetings

NEW ORLEANS — Today, the City of New Orleans reminded residents about its community meeting schedule for the week of Feb. 22, 2021, which includes design and/or pre-construction engagement opportunities in various RoadworkNOLA programs. All meetings will be accessible via Webex; participants are encouraged to pre-register at

Thursday, Feb. 25, 2021 (2 Meetings)

Moving New Orleans – Central Business District and Warehouse District Pre-Construction Meeting

A network of complete streets projects in the Central Business District and Warehouse District areas is being coordinated under the Moving New Orleans Transportation Action Plan, Roadwork NOLA, and the City’s Complete Streets policy for all users of the roadway. Construction includes road repairs, lane modifications including lane reductions, improvements to sidewalk curb ramps, bike lanes, crosswalks and bus stop improvements. Funding for these projects is through City bond funds, FEMA, and FHWA. Learn more about the proposed design by joining us on an upcoming pre-construction teleconference.

When: Thursday, Feb. 25, 2021 (6-7 p.m.); Dial-in Number: 504-658-7001; Access Code: 998-719-931

The meeting will also be accessible via Webex. Visit to register. A copy of the presentation will be sent to all registrants and uploaded to prior to the meeting.

Gentilly Resilience District Dillard Wetlands Project 30% Design Community Meeting

The $141 million HUD-funded Gentilly Resilience District (GRD) includes a combination of projects across Gentilly that will provide more than 20 million gallons of storm water storage for the Gentilly neighborhood and reduce flood risk, slow land subsidence, improve energy reliability and encourage neighborhood revitalization. The GRD Dillard Wetlands Project, which is being designed collaboratively with the community, includes stormwater management, biodiversity and ecosystem restoration, as well as community space with education, recreational and social opportunities. Learn more about the project during 30% design community meeting.

When: Thursday, Feb. 25, 2021 (6-7:30 p.m.); Dial-in Number: 504-6548-7001; Access Code: 998.149.877

The meeting will also be accessible via Webex. Visit to register. A copy of the presentation will be sent to all registrants and uploaded to prior to the meeting.

The City of New Orleans Department of Public Works (DPW) and Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans (SWBNO) are working together to implement an unprecedented program to restore our damaged infrastructure. Using local and federal funds, the $2.3 billion program is the most comprehensive that our region has seen in a generation.


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