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Louisiana Office of Tourism, MDRG Release Study Showing Impact of the Television and Film Industry on Tourism

BATON ROUGE – The Louisiana Office of Tourism and New Orleans research firm MDRG recently conducted a study to determine the impact of the television and film industry on tourism in Louisiana. The study was an update to previous research completed in 2018. The study surveyed more than 600 respondents from some of Louisiana’s top visitation source markets.

The study found approximately half of recent visitors to the state indicated that a movie, film, or TV show featuring Louisiana was a motivator for choosing to visit the state. In 2018, an estimated $1.3 billion in annual tourism revenue resulted from travel influenced by Louisiana TV shows and film. The new study shows an increase, with $2.5 billion in tourism revenue resulting from Louisiana TV shows and film influence.

“Louisiana’s unique culture, food, and history are the subjects and backdrops for a huge variety of films, documentaries, and TV shows year after year,” said Lieutenant Governor Billy Nungesser. “It is no surprise that seeing all the ways you can Feed Your Soul in Louisiana on the big screen – or small screen – inspires visitors to come and experience it for themselves. We are excited to showcase and promote filming locations as destinations for visitors as we welcome them back to Louisiana.”

Historical sites, cuisine, and iconic landmarks depicting the state in TV and films prove to be the most influential to visitors. TV shows about travel are most likely to have an impact on a visitor’s choice of vacation destination, followed closely by TV shows about food.

The research also demonstrated that 61% of travelers are more likely to visit the more productions they have seen and can place in Louisiana.

Read the full study on the impact of the television and film industry in Louisiana


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