METAIRIE — The Jefferson Chamber and Jefferson Parish Economic Development Commission (JEDCO) are pleased to announce the 2021 Prosper Jefferson event lineup!
JEDCO and the Chamber will host 11 Prosper Jefferson seminars this year, featuring experts from around the Greater New Orleans region. Each event will highlight an informational topic to assist local businesses in achieving growth and success.
2021 Prosper Jefferson Seminar List:
FEBRUARY 24TH | Human Resources
MARCH 31ST | Women in Leadership Panel
APRIL 28TH | Company Culture & Employee Morale
MAY 26TH | Crisis & Resilience Planning
JUNE 30TH | Marketing, Branding & Advertising
JULY 28TH | Fundraising & Grant Writing
AUGUST 25TH | Community & Civic Engagement
SEPTEMBER 29TH | Social Media
OCTOBER 27TH | Leadership
NOVEMBER 17TH | Small Business Financing
DECEMBER 15TH | Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
JEDCO and the Jefferson Chamber created the monthly seminar series in 2015 to educate, inspire and assist small business owners in Jefferson Parish. It has become a popular event series for the local business community.
At this time, all seminars will be held via Zoom at 10 AM. In 2020, JEDCO and the Jefferson Chamber moved in-person seminars online to keep Prosper Jefferson speakers, employees and attendees safe in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The organizations will continue to host the Prosper Jefferson seminars virtually at this time and will monitor the situation to determine when events can once again be hosted in-person. Stay tuned for registration links!
Click here to view the 2020 Prosper Jefferson webinar recordings.